Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Natural Therapist Pages.com

Hi all,

Soul Healing is now advertising on the Natural Therapist Pages website.

You can find my new page there by clicking on the following address: http://www.ntpages.com.au/therapist/24042

Would be interested to hear what you think of this site and the effectiveness of advertising on there.

Please drop me a line and let me know if you have any advice or positive or negative comments about your experiences with the Natural Therapist site. Would be much appreciated.

My email address is: narellehudson@soulhealing.com.au


Narelle Hudson

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hi All,

I spent the weekend finishing my study on Whole Body Relaxation Massage and am now qualified and ready to take your bookings. I love these new skills which I have learned and am confident that you will too.

Yesterday I treated my first client with my new massage skills and he was very impressed. He commented on how relaxed he was and how I used techniques, which he enjoyed, that he had never had done before in a massage.

One of these was a stomach massage. A very good technique for treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome and any constipation problems.

My client was surprised that I had only just finished my course and remarked that I was very capable and confident and the massage compared with the many massages that he had had over the years by far more experienced masseurs than I.

Please contact me today to see how a relaxation massage can help you or visit www.soulhealing.com.au for more information.
