Monday, June 22, 2009


Dear All,

I speak to so many people who have had major motor vehicle accidents. I understand their pain and suffering on a very personal level as I too have experienced a near-fatal car accident.

Reiki asssisted me too with my healing after my accident. I thought that I had done all of the healing that I could do as the scars healed and the brain began to function properly again. However many years after all of this physical healing occured I was presented with the deep underlying pain that I had not healed. The pain that existed still on a subconscious level.

After a year of Reiki treatments the Reiki energy removed the deep blockage that I had in my energy system that remained from the shock of the event. After the shock was removed I felt free again and knew that only then had I finally dealt with the shock of the accident that had occured many years before.

Many clients that I see still have the physical pain many years after their accidents. I am fortunate that I do not have the lingering physical pain that so many do.

These clients find frequent Reiki healings an amazing tool; which allows them to continue their lives without all of the suffering.

Please contact me today to talk about how Reiki can help you!