Hi all,
Have had so many success stories with Bach Flower Remedy clients lately that I thought I would share a few with you. Bach Flower remedies are subtle flower essences that work in a powerful way to promote change in your personality traits that cause you pain and anguish.
Story 1: Client comes to me because she is suffering from severe menopausal symptoms. After one week of her special flower remedy mix, 4 drops, 4 times a day, she was experiencing no more hot flashes!
Story 2: Client comes to me because their head is always full of thoughts and they are only sleeping for no more than two hours a night and waking up often, unable to get back to sleep. After two weeks of taking their individual flower essence they are sleeping for five hours stints and being able to go back to sleep again when they wake up. There head is feeling lighter and they exclaim that everyone is asking them why they are so relaxed.
Story 3: Client comes to me because they are in extreme shock after the loss of a loved one and are feeling spacy all the time and unfocussed. After taked their prescribed flower essence for a week they are finding it easier to focus on the tasks at hand and are feeling more grounded.
Story 4: Client comes to me because they are always feeling tired no matter what they eat or how much they rest. After taking their flower remedies for a few weeks they report having much more energy and feeling much more awake.
Find out how Bach Flower remedies can help you today!